No Point Atelier is housed in a cottage and a barn in the semi-abandoned village of Balanite near Gabrovo. There, Miroslav Zhivkov, also known as Dzhingibi, created his own art residency and silkscreen printing studio.

Inspired by the slow life outside the big city, Dzhingibi has built an artistic process where things happen smoothly and gracefully, as if on their own accord. This impression is built solely on his warm and kind friendly character, and his work manner. Perhaps this is the reason why interdisciplinary artists from Bulgaria and the world are attracted to this sanctuary of civilization, where freedom and creativity stand above everything.

The collaborations with artists from multiple disciplines and the transformation of their own expressive forms to screen printing bring the images to life and expressivity. Dzhingibi's abstractions dance on the plethora of materials he uses in his processes to embody all the forms of play his imagination pushes him towards.